Friday, July 11, 2008

Web Sources and References

Web Sources

"Graduate Study in Aerodynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics." TUDelft. May 2006. 1 Aug. 2008 .

This site was operated by TU Delft Aerospace Engineering, a university dedicated to the study of aerospace engineering. Contained within the site was an information brochure dedicated to the study of aerodynamics and the many possibilities of careers related to this study. The site outlines that there is more than just Aerospace options out there for people with knowledge in this field.

Benson, Tom. "Simplified Aircraft Motion." 11 July 2008. NASA. 15 July 2008

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an American organization that is dedicated to the advancement of space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautic research. This site consists of, among many other things, many useful sources of information for anyone at any level of Aerodynamic knowledge.


MacDonald, A F., and Isabel L. Peppler. From the Ground Up. Ottazwa: Aviation Co. Limited, 2000.

Smith, H C. The Illustrated Guide to Aerodynamics. New York: TAB Books, 1992.