Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Jobs Involving Aerodynamics

At first one might think that the skills you learn in aerodynamics can only be applied to airplanes, but this is not the case. The study of aerodynamics is far beyond limited to just aerospace engineering. Knowledge of aerodynamics is useful in a wide range of technological fields; the reason being is the very common occurrence of flow phenomena we see in everyday life.

Aerodynamics is very important when it comes to any type of vehicle design – cars, boats, and planes. Aerodynamics is also very important for sailors, in order that they can properly predict proper sail adjustment in order to maximize speed. Structural engineers use aerodynamics when designing and building large bridges and buildings. Aerodynamics can also be significant in the design of a town so as to create a more comfortable outdoor environment or an urban microclimate; additionally, it may also be used to reduce the effects of pollution. Environmentally, aerodynamics can be used in the prediction of weather and the study of atmospheric circulation. It can also be used in understanding how various birds and insects fly. Aerodynamics is also very important when it comes to the study of internal passageways such as piping – gas piping, heating and ventilation, and automotive engines. The study of aerodynamics can even be extended to studying the human respiratory system. The aerodynamicist often works in an environment “where he, together with colleagues from various disciplines, incorporates the abundance of (often) conflicting demands in the
fields of aerodynamics, performance, structures, safety, materials and manufacturing into a technical, economical, and ecological sound compromise”. (TuDelft 2006)

While skills in aerodynamics can be useful in many fields, the most rewarding and fascinating career for an aerodynamicist, the one the most seek to pursue is aircraft and spacecraft design. It is in this field where you can be involved in designing the more efficient and future friendly air and spacecraft of tomorrow.

The list of jobs available to an aerodynamicist is extremely extensive, and for this reason there will always be generous employment available for an engineer who has expertise in aerodynamics.

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